CUBIC® Utility Billing
Designed For Microsoft Windows®
The CUBIC® Comprehensive Utility Billing and Control System is designed to provide a powerful billing and CIS (Customer Information System) for utility operations. It supports robust customer information, billing, and cash receipting functions, usage and bill/payment history, plus a myriad of report options. It supplies important functions like multiple search criteria for account inquiries, real-time updating and electronic input, and receipting interfaces. Reports provide extensive statistics based on customers, services, rates, and routes and much more. CUBIC® powerful receipt processing supports traditional receipt processing and high-speed scanning systems. Everything is online including bill/payment and usage history, deposit and service information, as well as a consumption graph for each individual service. Accounting is highly controlled by the system as well. NARUC reporting is easily accomplished with CUBIC®. It also has a highly integrated interface with the BUCS® Budgetary Control System. The CUBIC® system is modular-based, build a system that fits the size and requirements of your operation from small single service utilities to large multi-service operations.
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